Source code for

Abstract base class for data stores
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

from six import with_metaclass

[docs]class HistoryData(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): """Abstract Data storage for command history Abstract class implementation of a database for use with command history. Generally a command data item needs just two things, an ID and the command itself. It also needs order. See the :py:class:`` class as the simplest structure using an :py:class:`collections.OrderedDict`. An ID can be any string, and the concrete implementation of :py:class:`HistoryData` is responsible for type casting it if needed. It is also required implicitly that there is only one entry per command. Thus ``add`` ing the same command multiple times should result in the return of just one command when filtered by a term equal to that command. """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self, config): """Setup and configuration of data storage. Any connections and configuration of the data store should be done here. It receives the full flask configuration dictionary. Args: config (dict): The flask application configuration dictionary. """ self.config = config @abstractmethod
[docs] def add(self, command, username, host, **kwargs): """Add or update a command Save (update or create) a command to the data store. Args: command (str): The command to store username (str): The username of the person adding it host (str): The IP address of API caller Returns: Command ID (str): The id of the command stored """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def delete(self, command_id, username, host, **kwargs): """Delete a command Remove a command from the data store, raise a KeyError if it is not available to be deleted. Args: command_id (str): Unique command identifier username (str): The username of the person adding it host (str): The IP address of API caller """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def get(self, command_id, username, host, **kwargs): """Get a single command Retrieve a single command by username and id. Raise a KeyError if the command does not exist. Args: command_id (str): Unique command identifier username (str): The username of the person adding it host (str): The IP address of API caller Returns: Command (dict): Dictionary with at least the keys ``id`` and ``command`` """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def all(self, order, username, host, **kwargs): """Unfiltered but ordered command history Return the full data set as a list of dict structures in the specified order. Args: order (str): An ordering from :py:const:`ORDER_TYPES` username (str): The username of the person adding it host (str): The IP address of API caller Returns: list: A list of dictionaries where each dictionary must have at least a ``command`` key and an ``id`` key. """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def filter(self, term, order, username, host, **kwargs): """Get a filtered by term and ordered command history Args: term (str): The term being searched for/filtered by. order (str): An ordering from :py:const:`ORDER_TYPES` username (str): The username of the person adding it host (str): The IP address of API caller Returns: list: A list of dictionaries where each dictionary must have at least a ``command`` key and an ``id`` key. """ pass # pragma: no cover