Release Notes ------------- Version 0.6.0 ============= - Converted to using tox with py.test as test runner. - Documentation updates - Added release notes page - Added docker containers for client and server - Python 3 compatibility for both client and server - Switched to using flask-htpasswd for authentication - All views protected with before_request - Full test coverage in client and server - Required at least ElasticSearch client 1.3.0 or greater Version 0.5.0 ============= - Results paging in both client and server - Added unit tests for server - Documentation corrections - Allowed for empty htpasswd file, but logged as critical - Pylint fixes Version 0.4.1 ============= - Corrected bad tar on pypi Version 0.4.0 ============= - Delete command option - Favicon and style improvements - Sphinx/RTD docs Version 0.3.1 ============= - Fixed an incorrectly cased javascript file include. Version 0.3.0 ============= Archelon Client ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Optimized interface - Menus added for sorting Archelon Server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - New index page with searchable history Version 0.2.1 ============= - PyPi version bump only Version 0.2.0 ============= - Added default value for htpasswd path - Removed elastic search sniffing Version 0.1.0 ============= - Initial Release