Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Data modeling for command history to be modular
from __future__ import print_function
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
import os
import sys

import requests

[docs]class HistoryBase(object): """ Base class of what all backend command history searches should use. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractmethod
[docs] def search_forward(self, term): """ Return a list of commmands that is in forward time order. i.e oldest first. """ pass
[docs] def search_reverse(self, term): """ Return a list of commmands that is in reverse time order. i.e newest first. """ pass
[docs]class LocalHistory(HistoryBase): """ Use local .bash_history for doing searches """ def __init__(self): """ Load up the bash history uniqueified into an OrderedDict for forward/backward searching and then dumped to a list. """ history_dict = OrderedDict() with open(os.path.expanduser('~/.bash_history')) as history_file: for line in history_file: history_dict[line.strip()] = None = history_dict.keys()
[docs] def search_forward(self, term): """ Return a list of commmands that is in forward time order. i.e oldest first. """ return [ x for x in if term in x ]
[docs] def search_reverse(self, term): """ Return reversed filtered list by term """ results = [ x for x in if term in x ] results.reverse() return results
[docs]class WebHistory(HistoryBase): """ Use RESTful API to do searches against archelond. """ SEARCH_URL = '/api/v1/history' def __init__(self, url, token): """ Setup requests session with API key and set base URL. """ self.url = '{url}{endpoint}'.format( url=url.rstrip('/'), endpoint=self.SEARCH_URL ) self.session = requests.Session() self.session.headers = {'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(token)}
[docs] def search_forward(self, term): """ Return a list of commmands that is in forward time order. i.e oldest first. """ try: response = self.session.get( self.url, params={'q': term} ) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print('Failed to connect to server, check settings') sys.exit(1) if response.status_code != 200: return ['Error in API Call {}'.format(response.text)] return [x['command'] for x in response.json()['commands']]
[docs] def search_reverse(self, term): """ Make request to API with sort order specified and return the results as a list. """ try: response = self.session.get( self.url, params={'q': term, 'o': 'r'} ) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print('Failed to connect to server, check settings') sys.exit(1) if response.status_code != 200: return ['Error in API Call {}'.format(response.text)] return [x['command'] for x in response.json()['commands']]
[docs] def add(self, command): """ Post a command to the remote server using the API """ try: response = self.url, json={'command': command} ) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print('Failed to connect to server, check settings') sys.exit(1) if response.status_code != 201: return False, (response.json(), response.status_code) else: return True, None
[docs] def bulk_add(self, commands): """ Post a list of commands """ response = self.url, json={'commands': commands} ) if response.status_code != 200: return False, (response.json(), response.status_code) else: return True, (response.json(), response.status_code)