Source code for

ElasticSearch implementation of the data store.  Currently the
recommended default data store.

from datetime import datetime
import hashlib
import logging

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch.exceptions import RequestError, NotFoundError
import pytz

from import HistoryData

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ElasticData(HistoryData): """ An ElasticSearch implementation of HistoryData. This is what should be used in production """ DOC_TYPE = 'history' # Only return a max of 50 results NUM_RESULTS = 50 def __init__(self, config): """ Configure and setup the ES client """ super(ElasticData, self).__init__(config) # Connect self.elasticsearch = Elasticsearch( self.config['ELASTICSEARCH_URL'] ) # Create configured index. # Analyzer is setup such that every single character can # be part of the search query self.index = self.config['ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX'] self.elasticsearch.indices.create( index=self.index, ignore=400, body={ 'settings': { 'analysis': { 'analyzer': { 'command_analyzer': { 'tokenizer': 'keyword', 'filter': 'lowercase' } } } }, 'mappings': { self.index: { 'properties': { 'command': { 'search_analyzer': 'command_analyzer', 'index_analyzer': 'command_analyzer', 'type': 'string' } } } } } ) def _doc_type(self, username): """ return doc type for given user """ return '{0}_{1}'.format(username, self.DOC_TYPE) @staticmethod def _doc_id(command): """ hash the command to make the document id """ return hashlib.sha256(command).hexdigest()
[docs] def add(self, command, username, host, **kwargs): """ Add the command to the index with a time stamp and id by hash of the command and append username to doc type for user separation of data. """ doc_type = self._doc_type(username) doc_id = ElasticData._doc_id(command) document = { 'command': command, 'username': username, 'host': host, 'timestamp': datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc), } # Add kwargs to meta key in document document['meta'] = kwargs result = self.elasticsearch.index( index=self.index, doc_type=doc_type, id=doc_id, body=document ) log.debug(result) return doc_id
[docs] def delete(self, command_id, username, host, **kwargs): """ Remove item from elasticsearch """ try: self.elasticsearch.delete( self.index, self._doc_type(username), command_id ) except NotFoundError: raise KeyError
[docs] def get(self, command_id, username, host, **kwargs): """ Pull one command out of elasticsearch """ try: hit = self.elasticsearch.get( self.index, command_id, self._doc_type(username) ) except NotFoundError: raise KeyError result = hit['_source'] result['id'] = hit['_id'] return result
[docs] def all(self, order, username, host, **kwargs): """ Just build a body with match all and return filter """ body = { "query": { "match_all": {} } } return self.filter(None, order, username, host, body)
[docs] def filter(self, term, order, username, host, body=None, **kwargs): """ Return filtered search that is ordered """ doc_type = self._doc_type(username) sort = '' if order and order == 'r': sort = 'timestamp:desc' if not body: body = { 'query': { 'match_phrase_prefix': { 'command': { 'query': term, 'max_expansions': self.NUM_RESULTS } } } } # Implicitly we are sorting by score without order set, which # is nice try: results = index=self.index, doc_type=doc_type, size=self.NUM_RESULTS, body=body, sort=sort ) except RequestError, ex: log.exception(ex) return [] log.debug(results) log.debug('Got %s hits for %s', results['hits']['total'], term) results_list = [] for hit in results['hits']['hits']: result = hit['_source'] result['id'] = hit['_id'] result['score'] = hit['_score'] results_list.append(result) return results_list