Source code for archelond.web

Main entry point for flask application
import json
import logging
import os

from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, render_template, url_for
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-error
from flask.ext.assets import Environment
from passlib.apache import HtpasswdFile
from werkzeug.contrib.fixers import ProxyFix

from archelond.auth import requires_auth, generate_token
from import MemoryData, ElasticData, ORDER_TYPES
from archelond.log import configure_logging
from archelond.util import jsonify_code

log = logging.getLogger('archelond')  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

V1_ROOT = '/api/v1/'

[docs]def run_server(): """ If started from command line, rebuild object in debug mode and run directly """ host = os.environ.get('ARCHELOND_HOST', 'localhost') port = int(os.environ.get('ARCHELOND_PORT', '8580')) app.debug = True log.critical( 'Running in debug mode. Do not run this way in production' ) app.config['LOG_LEVEL'] = 'DEBUG' app.config['ASSETS_DEBUG'] = True configure_logging(app), port=port)
[docs]def wsgi_app(): """ Start flask application runtime """ # Setup the app new_app = Flask('archelond') # Get configuration from default or via environment variable if os.environ.get('ARCHELOND_CONF'): new_app.config.from_envvar('ARCHELOND_CONF') else: new_app.config.from_object('archelond.config') # Setup database if new_app.config['DATABASE_TYPE'] == 'MemoryData': = MemoryData(new_app.config) elif new_app.config['DATABASE_TYPE'] == 'ElasticData': = ElasticData(new_app.config) else: raise Exception('No valid database type is set') # Set up logging configure_logging(new_app) # Load up user database try: new_app.config['users'] = HtpasswdFile(new_app.config['HTPASSWD_PATH']) except IOError: log.critical( 'No htpasswd file loaded, please set `ARCHELOND_HTPASSWD`' 'environment variable to a valid apache htpasswd file.' ) new_app.config['users'] = HtpasswdFile() return new_app # Setup flask application
app = wsgi_app() # pylint: disable=invalid-name assets = Environment(app) # pylint: disable=invalid-name # Add proxy fixer app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app) @app.route('/') @requires_auth
[docs]def index(user): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Simple index view for documentation and navigation. """ return render_template('index.html'), 200
@app.route('{}token'.format(V1_ROOT), methods=['GET']) @requires_auth
[docs]def token(user): """ Return the user token for API auth that is based off the flask secret and user password """ return jsonify({'token': generate_token(user)})
@app.route('{}history'.format(V1_ROOT), methods=['GET', 'POST']) @requires_auth
[docs]def history(user): """ POST=Add entry GET=Get entries with query """ if request.method == 'GET': query = request.args.get('q') order = request.args.get('o') page = int(request.args.get('p', 0)) order_type = None if order: if order not in ORDER_TYPES: return jsonify_code( {'error': 'Order specified is not an option'}, 422 ) else: order_type = order if query: results = query, order_type, user, request.remote_addr, page=page ) else: results = order_type, user, request.remote_addr, page=page ) return jsonify({'commands': results}) if request.method == 'POST': # Accept json or form type from_form = True if request.json: data = request.json from_form = False else: data = request.form command = data.get('command') commands = data.get('commands') if not (command or commands): return jsonify_code({'error': 'Missing command(s) parameter'}, 422) # Allow bulk posting to speedup imports with commands parameter if commands: if from_form: commands = json.loads(commands) results_list = [] if not isinstance(commands, list): return jsonify_code({'error': 'Commands must be list'}, 422) for command in commands: cmd_id =, user, request.remote_addr) results_list.append( { 'response': '', 'status_code': 201, 'headers': { 'location': url_for('history_item', cmd_id=cmd_id) }, } ) return jsonify({'responses': results_list}) if not (isinstance(command, unicode) or isinstance(command, str)): return jsonify_code({'error': 'Command must be a string'}, 422) cmd_id =, user, request.remote_addr) return '', 201, {'location': url_for('history_item', cmd_id=cmd_id)} else: # pragma: no cover log.critical('Unsupported method used') raise Exception('Unsupported http method used')
@app.route('{}history/<cmd_id>'.format(V1_ROOT), methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE']) @requires_auth
[docs]def history_item(user, cmd_id): """Actions for individual command history items. Updates, gets, or deletes a command from the active data store. PUT: Takes a payload in either form or JSON request, and runs the add routine by passing the dictinoary minus ``command``, ``username``, and ``host`` as kwargs to the data stores ``add`` routine. """ if request.method == 'GET': log.debug('Retrieving %s for %s', cmd_id, user) try: cmd =, user, request.remote_addr) except KeyError: return jsonify_code({'error': 'No such history item'}, 404) return jsonify(cmd) if request.method == 'PUT': # This will only update kwargs since we # have a deduplicated data structure by command. log.debug('Updating %s for %s', cmd_id, user) try: cmd =, user, request.remote_addr) except KeyError: return jsonify_code({'error': 'No such history item'}, 404) from_form = True if request.json: data = request.json from_form = False else: data = request.form if not data: return jsonify_code( {'error': 'Data is required, received empty PUT'}, 422 ) put_command = data.get('payload') if not put_command: return jsonify_code( {'error': 'Request must contain ``payload`` parameter'}, 422 ) if from_form: put_command = json.loads(put_command) # Make sure we don't let them overwrite server side params try: del put_command['command'] del put_command['username'] del put_command['host'] except KeyError: pass # pylint: disable=star-args cmd['command'], user, request.remote_addr, **put_command ) return '', 204 if request.method == 'DELETE': log.debug('Deleting %s for %s', cmd_id, user) try:, user, request.remote_addr) except KeyError: return jsonify_code({'error': 'No such history item'}, 404) return jsonify(message='success') else: # pragma: no cover log.critical('Unsupported method used') raise Exception('Unsupported http method used')